Introduce Live Sales Notification Pro:
WC Sales Notification is a plugin for Showing your orders or fake notification on your website. You can show the notification all pages in your website. It gives you awesome features, is to generate for fake notifications. The plugin Has a Wonderful customization option and incoming and outgoing animation options.
Main Feature Live Sales Notification Pro:
- No need to connect your WooCommerce store with a backend platform like other plugins require
- Show original order placed as a Live sales feed to other visitors
- There is no restriction of numbers of products that will be shown, as other plugins have in there Free version
- If you don’t have large numbers of orders then you can show virtual orders as well
- Virtual orders can be generated from visitors recent product view, in this case there recently viewed product will be shown in the notification. This will encourage the visitor to buy it
- Create virtual orders from your selected products
- You can create custom message that will be shown in the notification, E.g: Mr. Dave from New York just purchased XYZ,
- You can customize message using short codes like {date}, {time}, {first_name}, {city}, {state}, {country}, {product}, {price}
- When the order is original this short code information comes from the original order when the order is virtual this information is auto-generated for you
- Set how much old orders should be extracted for the notification, you can set this in Weeks, month and hours.
- Select product from categories to create virtual orders
- Fast and lightweight.
- Boosts sales and conversion rate.
You can control complete look and feel of the notification from plugin setting
- Disable notification on mobile, mobile breakpoint start from 968px
- notification width, image width in the notification
- Link image to product or not
- Open link in a new tab or in the same tab
- Background color of the notification
- Position of the notification
- Text color, font size, and weight of the notification Text
- You can even customize color, font size, and weight for each of the text coming from short codes, so you can have different font size for {date}, and different font size for {product}
- You can disable the closing notification option for the user, so user cant close notification
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