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Introduce Squaretype:
Squaretype – Modern Blog WordPress Theme is a subscription-based premium theme designed to help anyone build and manage a professional-quality WordPress blog. In contrast to themes like Magazine Newspaper that emulate print, Squaretype finds its inspiration within the modern world of blogging.
Main Feature Squaretype :
A fully customizable theme:
Squaretype comes with a broad range of customization options. For example, you can build a sidebar with various widgets; choose a color, gradient, or image to serve as the background; and design the header to suit specific navigational needs. The ‘hero shot’ section is most notable, which allows you to try different layouts for specific posts.
Requires little experience:
One of the main selling points of the Squaretype theme is that it requires little or no experience to build and deploy a fully customizable website. Though the theme is designed to support text-only blogs, it’s also readily prepared to support image portfolios. Of course, you are also free to choose something in between.
Subscription-based premium:
One factor to consider if you are hoping to set up a straightforward blog is that Squaretype is a subscription-based premium theme. So unless you intend to make full use of its comprehensive toolkit, you might want to choose a cheaper or free option instead.
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