Introduce Reserved Stock Pro:
The Reserved Stock Pro plugin is the perfect solution to prevent overselling in WooCommerce, better customer happiness and experience when selling limited quantity with website high traffic. Buy this pro plugin in Reserved Stock at the GPL Dokan Store. We have 24/7 dedicated customer service to help you.
Main Feature Reserved Stock Pro:
- Stock decreases when products are added to the cart.
- Stock increases when products are removed from the cart.
- Stock levels update to match cart changes.
- Set product expiry time.
- Updated expiry times when product quantity is changed in the cart.
- Stock is removed from the cart after your set time, whether customers are on the site or not.
- Customizable add to cart notice on the product page.
- Customizable automatically removed from cart notification.
- A customizable real countdown for reservations.
- Dedicated database table and optimized queries for speed.
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