Introduce Display Posts As List Grid Thumbs:
This Display Posts As List Grid Thumbs plugin allows admins to have easy access to the front-end as a specific user or customer to solve problems.
Main Feature Display Posts As List Grid Thumbs:
- Responsive Templates (Grid list, a list with thumbnails, etc..)
- Image size – thumbnail, medium, large, or any custom size
- Choose categories, tags, authors
- Custom post types and taxonomies support
- Customize the Title, excerpt, date
- Image positioning – top, right, left, in or out of the excerpt
- Custom CSS class for every widget’s instance
- Comprehensive options page (Filter posts by category, tags, authors, etc..)
- List posts from any category
- List posts from any post type (one or more)
- List posts based on the post date & status
- Pagination options (posts per page, pagination styling)
- Read more options (button text and styling)
- Exclusion options (exclude posts by the author, category, and tags)
- Order by options (order by date ascending or descending or randomly)
- Shortcode support
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