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Introduce Hide My WP:
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Hide My WP is the number one security plugin for WordPress – and works on new and old versions of PHP and WordPress. It hides your WordPress server from attackers, spammers and theme detectors. We have more than 30,500 satisfied customers using Hide My WP. It will also hide your wp login URL and renames the admin URL. It detects and blocks XSS, SQL Injection type of security attacks on your WordPress website, and our new whitelist capability can be used to only allow certain IP’s to manage WordPress.
Main Feature Hide My WP:
- Hiding: Hides common WordPress paths like /wp-login.php and /wp-admin. Replaces all instances of WordPress, practically hiding that WordPress is being used.
- Intrusion Detectio: Smart IDS engine autoblocks attacks like SQL Injection and XSS. Worry free WordPress usuage is now possible.
- Trust Network: Robust trust network proactively protects WordPress from unknown attackers. Day 0 protection comes to WordPress.
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