Affiliate Butler Pro
Main Feature of Affiliate Butler Pro
We have 8 types of linking your keywords:
- Internal URL You can link your keywords to an internal page of your website. You can find the page by an easy auto-complete list.
- Custom HTML Popup The keyword can be linked to a popup that contains any design you want as the plugin accept HTML code to be integrated into the popup. For example, you can add an opt-in form HTML code to collect visitors emails.
- Image Popup Keywords can be linked to display a popup which contains a single image.
- Gallery Popup Do you need to display a gallery of images when your users click on certain keywords? No problem, the plugin allows you to link keywords to gallery popups.
- Video Popup I bet sometimes you want to show the visitors a video but you don’t want them to exit your website to YouTube. You can link your keywords to video popups which support YouTube and Vimeo videos.
- Google Maps Popup Let’s say you are reviewing a restaurant on your website. It would be a good idea to link the restaurant name with a Map Popup that displays the location of that restaurant.
- Social Media Sharing Tooltip Let your visitors share any content/links you want to their social media accounts. By linking your keywords to a social media sharing tooltip, the keyword link will prompt the visitor with a tooltip that contains variant social media networks to share your content on.
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